Download "World Class" performance tracks of classic and well-loved hymns. Each song download includes:
a fully orchestrated accompaniment/performance track
a complete demo track performed by a professional soloist
a pdf which gives the lyrics, key, and range of each selection
Backup vocals heard on the demo track are also included on the performance track.
The audio players on this page provide samples of each demo track. Many samples include two portions of the demo track with a fade in and out between them to provide a more complete impression of the entire song.
Available Songs
For Christmas
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Go Tell It On the Mountain
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Jesus, Oh What a Wonderful Child
Joy to the World
O Holy Night
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow
Silent Night
Some Children See Him
Sweet Little Jesus Boy
All Hail the Power
All the Way My Savior Leads Me
Amazing Grace
Amazing Love
And Can It Be
Be Still, My Soul
Blessed Assurance
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Coming Again
Down By the Riverside
Draw Me Nearer
Every Time I Feel the Spirit
Fairest Lord Jesus
Great is Thy Faithfulness
He Hideth My Soul
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
His Eye is on the Sparrow
His Truth is Marching On
Holy, Holy Holy
How Great Thou Art
I Am Thine, O Lord
I Believe
I Surrender All
I’d Rather Have Jesus
If I Can Help Somebody
It is Well with My Soul
Jesus is All the World to Me
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Just As I Am
Kum Ba Yah
Let There Be Peace on Earth
No Need to Fear
No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus
Nothing But the Blood
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
Peace in the Valley
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Take the World, But Give Me Jesus
Tell Me the Story of Jesus
The Lord in Zion Reigneth
The Lord’s My Shepherd
The Solid Rock
There is a Fountain
This Little Light of Mine
To God Be the Glory I
To God Be the Glory II
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Until Then
We’re Marching to Zion
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross I
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross II
You’ll Never Walk Alone
Christmas Tracks
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Key: Modulates from C to C# to D
Time: 3:27
Range: C – D
Go Tell It
on the Mountain
Key: Modulates from Eꚝ to E to F
Time: 2:47
Range: Bꚝ to F
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!
Key: Modulates from Eꚝ to F
Time: 3:48
Range: Bꚝ – D
Jesus, Oh What a Wonderful Child
Key: Modulates from F to F# to G to Aꚝ
Time: 5:05
Range: C – F
Joy to the World
Key: Modulates from Bꚝ to B
Time: 2:56
Range: Bꚝ - E
O Holy Night
Key: Modulates from Aꚝ to A to C
Time: 3:59
Range: Aꚝ – E
Rise Up Shepherd
and Follow
Key: C
Time: 4:34
Range: G – C
Silent Night
Key: Modulates from G to Bꚝ
Time: 3:48
Range: B - Eꚝ
Some Children See Him
Key: Eꚝ
Time: 3:55
Range: Bꚝ – Eꚝ
Sweet Little
Jesus Boy
Key: Modulates from Dꚝ to D
Time: 3:57
Range: Aꚝ – D
Non-Seasonal Tracks
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
Wintley Phipps
Key: Modulates from E to F# down to D back to F#
Time: 3:28
Range: B - D#
All the Way
My Savior Leads Me
Key: Modulates from Eꚝ to Gꚝ
Time: 3:49
Range: Bꚝ – Dꚝ
Key: Modulates from Ab to Bb
Time: 3:41
Range: C – C
Amazing Grace
Key: Modulates from D to Eb to E to G
Time: 4:48
Range: A – D
Amazing Love
Key: D
Time: 4:57
Range: A – D
And Can It Be
Key: F
Time: 3:47
Range: A – D
Be Still, My Soul
Key: Modulates from C to D up to G then down to E
Time: 5:36
Range: C – E
Blessed Assurance II
Wintley Phipps
Key: Modulates from Gꚝ to G to Aꚝ
Time: 4:08
Range: F – Bꚝ
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Key: Modulates from Bꚝ to C to D
Time: 3:25
Range: Bꚝ to D
Coming Again
Key: Modulates from Aꚝ down to G and back to Aꚝ
Time: 4:13
Range: Aꚝ to Eꚝ
Down By the Riverside
Key: Modulates from F to F# to G
Time: 3:24
Range: Low C to C (above middle C)
Draw Me Nearer
Key: Modulates from C to Dꚝ
Time: 3:28
Range: G – Aꚝ
Every Time I Feel the Spirit
Key: C
Time: 3:30
Range: G – E
Fairest Lord Jesus
Key: Modulates from G to Aꚝ
Time: 4:22
Range: F# - Aꚝ
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Key: Modulates from Bb to B
Time: 6:53
Range: A – D#
He Hideth My Soul
Key: Modulates from Bꚝ to Dꚝ
Time: 5:29
Range: A – Eꚝ
He's Got the Whole World
in His Hands
Key: Modulates from C to Dꚝ to D to Eꚝ
Time: 3:07
Range: B – Eꚝ
His Eye is on the Sparrow
Key: Modulates from B to C
Time: 4:50
Range: B – E
His Truth is Marching On
Key: Modulates from Aꚝ to B
Time: 4:19
Range: C – D#
Holy Holy Holy
Key: G
Time: 4:30
Range: G to G
How Great Thou Art
Key: Modulates from F to F# to G to Aꚝ
Time: 4:52
Range: G to Eꚝ
I Am Thine, O Lord
Key: Modulates from F to Aꚝ
Time: 4:26
Range: C – Eꚝ
I Believe
Key: Modulates from Bꚝ to B to C
Time: 4:02
Bꚝ to G
I Surrender All
I'd Rather Have Jesus
Key: Modulates from C up to E down to C#
Time: 6:16
Range: C – D#
If I Can Help Somebody
Key: Modulates from A to Bꚝ to B to C
Time: 4:45
Range: A to D
It is Well With My Soul
Key: Modulates from A to Bb to B to C
Time: 4:44
Range: B to C
Jesus is
All the World to Me
Key: Modulates from C to Dꚝ
Time: 4:32
Range: E – Aꚝ
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Key: Modulates from Aꚝ to A
Time: 4:03
Range: C – C#
Just As I Am
Key: Modulates from Dꚝ down to Aꚝ to A-minor up to D to Eꚝ down to Cꚝ
Time: 5:48
Range: Bꚝ to Eꚝ
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Key: Modulates from C down to Ab back to C to C#
Time: 4:11
Range: B to D#
(The) Lord in Zion Reigneth
Key: Modulates from C to C# to D
Time: 2:46
Range: C – E
(The) Lord's My Shepherd
Key: Modulates from D down to B-minor back to D to Eꚝ
Time: 4:20
Range: F# - C
Near the Cross
Key: Modulates from Eꚝ to G
Time: 4:31
Range: Bꚝ - E
No Need to Fear
Key: Aꚝ
Time: 4:11
Range: C to Eꚝ
No One Ever Cared
for Me Like Jesus
Key:Modulates from A to C
Time: 4:40
Range: G# - D
Nothing But the Blood
Key: Modulates from A to Bꚝ to B to Dꚝ to D
Time: 4:44
Range: A – A
Pass Me Not,
O Gentle Savior
Key: Modulates from D-minor (F) to F# to G
Time: 5:11
Range: C – C#
Peace in the Valley
Key: B
Time: 3:55
Range: B to D#
Praise Him!
Praise Him!
Key: Modulates from F to F# to G
Time: 3:34
Range: C - D
Precious Lord,
Take My Hand
Key: Modulates from F to F#
Time: 4:07
Range: A to C#
Key: Modulates from G to Aꚝ
Time: 3:24
Range: D – Eꚝ
(The) Solid Rock
Key: Modulates from Eꚝ to E to F to F# to G
Time: 4:45
Range: Bꚝ – E
Sweet Hour
of Prayer
Key: G
Time: 4:32
Range: G – G
Take the World,
But Give Me Jesus
Key: Modulates from D to F
Time: 4:04
Range: C to D
Tell Me
the Story of Jesus
Key: D
Time: 4:17
Range: A - D
There is a Fountain
Key: F
Time: 5:09
Range: F – C
This Little Light of Mine
Key: G
Time: 3:27
Range: D - E
To God Be the Glory I
Key: Modulates from F# to G
Time: 4:00
Range: C# - D
To God Be the Glory II
Key: Modulates from C to C#
Time: 4:55
Range: G – C#
Turn Your Eyes
Upon Jesus
Key: Modulates from D to Eꚝ
Time: 4:19
Range: Bꚝ– C
Until Then
Key: G - D
Time: 4:24
G (below middle C) to C# (above middle C)
Modulates - G to Aꚝ to D to A
What a Friend
We Have in Jesus
Key: Modulates from E down to C then up to F
Time: 4:48
Range: G - D
When I Survey
the Wondrous Cross I
Key: Modulates from C to Eꚝ to F (dm) then back to F to F# to G
Time: 5:11
Range: B – Eꚝ
When I Survey
the Wondrous Cross II
Key: Modulates from F to F-minor to F# to A
Time: 4:14
Range: E to E
You'll Never Walk Alone
Key: A
Time: 4:14
A (below middle C) to E (above middle C)