Welcome to Great Stuff Music Company!
Lynne Brower of Great Stuff Music Company specializes in Christmas, Easter, Patriotic, Children's and Non-seasonal Choral music that is available for immediate download.
Songs are available on an individual basis in packages that include piano/vocal sheet music scores (pdf), listening tracks (mp3), and accompaniment/performance tracks (mp3). Complete musical/collection packages are also available which include narration, interludes, etc.
All of our musicals are SATB and can be presented successfully with piano only, with provided fully-orchestrated accompaniment tracks, or in the case of some of our music, with live orchestra by purchasing orchestration sheet music.
The difficulty level of our music is very attainable for most choirs and accompanists. All of our musicals have songs for soloists or small vocal ensembles.
For much of our music, companion orchestrations, rehearsal tracks, and/or split tracks can also be purchased. Purchasers have the right to make unlimited copies of listening tracks and SATB scores for their own use.
Christmas Songs and Anthems
Alleluia/Birthday of a King
Amen, Christmas, Amen
Away in a Manger
Born in Bethlehem
Celebrate the Wonder
Christmas is Almost Here
Christmas is Dawning
Christmas Glory
Go Tell It on the Mountain
Hello, Little King
Merry Christmas to You
Noel, Sing Noel
O Come, All Ye Faithful
O Holy Night
On Christmas Day/Joyful, Joyful
One of Us
One Solitary Life
The New Joy to the World
The Silent Night
We're Gonna Ring Those Christmas Bells
..and many more
Derric Johnson – Christmas Acappella
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Jingle Bells
Joy to the World
Little Bitty Baby-Wonderful Counselor
Mary's Little Boy Child
Rejoice with Exceeding Great Joy
Sing We Now of Christmas
Sweet Little Jesus Boy
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
What a Merry Little Christmas Tree
...and many more
GSMC Music Now Available in Print through JW Pepper
We're pleased to announce a new affiliation with JW Pepper and Son, Inc! Much of our Christmas music and Derric Johnson's ACAPPELLA arrangements can now be purchased in hard copies in addition to downloads from our site. Please note that audio listening and accompaniment tracks are only available at this website.
Look for the button below throughout our site which will take you to the JWPEPPER.COM page from which you can order print material.
Create a Magical Christmas Moment - Carol Medleys
Include the audience in your presentation... It’s easy!!! ... No rehearsal required ...
Choir/group sings the introduction...
Audience sings along with 3 carols - (1st verse only)
Choir sings the ending
You've created a Magical Christmas Moment ...
Make your performance remarkable...
Your people will love it !!!
Introducing... newly arranged and mastered
Favorite Christmas "Gospel" Classics
"Amen, Christmas, Amen" and "Born in Bethlehem"
With "Christmas" lyrics for choir or solo
Bright, Fun, Rhythmic, High Energy
(They're sure to make everyone smile!)
Great Stuff Music Company is pleased to make available thirteen "World Class" performance tracks of classic and well-loved hymns. Each song includes:
- a fully orchestrated accompaniment/performance track
- a complete demo track performed by a professional soloist
- a pdf which gives the lyrics, key, and range of each selection
Backup vocals heard on the demo track are also included on the performance track.
Click here for the audio players which provides samples of each demo track.
Great Stuff Music Company is offering all of the Solo Performance Tracks below at a price of $9.99 per song.
Click here to check samples and purchase! Or listen to one of our sample demo tracks below - "Amazing Grace."
Easter Songs for Your Worship Celebration
Click on an image below for a wide selection of songs that will enrich your Easter service. Most categories are based on Easter musicals written by Phil and Lynne Brower and Derric Johnson. The Browers have re-mastered and updated many of their song tracks and hope that you are as pleased with results as they are! Songs can be purchased individually or the entire musical is also available if preferred.
- The Holy City, Rejoice and Be Glad, and more...
- Sing to the Lamb, Cross Medley, and more...
- He is Risen! He's Alive! and more...
- Praise Be to the Father, I'll Praise Your Name, Lord, and more...
- The Old Rugged Cross, There is a Fountain, and more...
- Let Us Break Bread Together, When I Survey, and more...
- Jesus Paid It All, That Day at Calvary, and more...
A Complete SATB Musical
By Don Wyrtzen
and Phil and Lynne Brower
Download the complete set of
"Liberty!" listening/demo tracks - Only $2.99!
Download Complete Musical Package
- Unlimited SATB copies of ALL SONGS (PDF)
- Full Listening Tracks (MP3)
- Full Accompaniment Tracks (MP3)
Purchase individual Liberty! song packages
on our Patriotic Songs and Anthems page!
Many of our songs are available in print at JW Pepper and Sons.
Single Companion Products
Listening Tracks (MP3)
Accompaniment Tracks (MP3)
SATB Vocal Score (PDF)
Full Orchestrations
Our Patriotic musical, Liberty!, celebrates our nation's freedom with stirring arrangements of such traditional choral music selections as the "National Anthem," "America the Beautiful," and "My Country 'Tis of Thee." It also features the delightful and popular "Fifty States ... In Rhyme!" as well as a salute to the Statue of Liberty and the branches of the United States Armed Forces. Six videos are also available to accompany some of the music in Liberty.
Featuring choral music written
by Phil and Lynne Brower
with arrangements by
Derric Johnson, Don Wyrtzen,
Bob Krogstad, and more.

Derric Johnson is the premiere founder and arranger for Walt Disney World's Voices of Liberty a cappella singers.
His Christmas, Easter, and Patriotic songs, musicals, and collections are featured in the tabs above. Derric also has several choral music recordings available as downloadable CD collections sung by his Regeneration Singers. Click here to sample this rich and delightful music.
Hymn Stories
Great Stuff Music Company is pleased to make available a series of three books written by Kenneth Osbeck which feature fascinating stories telling how many of our favorite hymns have come to be written and to be passed down to us. Understanding the hymns and the stories behind them does much to enhance our appreciation for their beauty and power. Knowing who wrote the words, what occasion prompted the writing, and how the music was composed that carries the words on the melody and rhythm of song makes these beautiful hymns a more vital spiritual force in our lives. Click here to order!
The Choir in Modern Worship by Vernon Sanders - $7.98 ($4.98 for a limited time)
A Step by Step Guide for Every Choir and Any Worship Style
For a director, leadership of a choir in modern worship involves much more than teaching the notes on the page. Today, more than ever before, the director of a choir in modern worship needs to look beyond the rehearsal space, and the worship space, and into the hearts and minds of those with whom they share ministry.
This best selling book is filled with practical [Read more or purchase...]
7 Steps to a Perfect Music Ministry Budget by Vernon Sanders - $7.98 ($4.98 for a limited time)
A Step by Step Guide for Sized Church or Ministry
Money problems never completely go away in churches. The most common problem, of course, is not having enough money. The reason this problem is so widespread is that a growing church's ministry needs almost always outpace the congregation's giving level. In a dying church, almost every need outpaces the congregation's giving level.
Someone who can manage a budget, and do great ministry within their budget, is [Read more or purchase...]