Derric Johnson - Patriotic Acappella Recordings

America Is...
The "Pledge of Allegiance," "Fifty Nifty," and a medley of traditional folk anthems by Derric Johnson's ReGeneration vocal orchestra. Titles can be downloaded as a total collection for $9.99.

What Price Freedom
Featuring a salute to our men and women in uniform with an Armed Forces Medley, as well as a delightful blend of well-loved patriotic and folk anthems by Derric Johnson's ReGeneration vocal orchestra. Titles can be downloaded as a total collection for $9.99.

We Pledge Allegiance!
Beginning with patriotic tunes including the National Anthem, Derric Johnson's ReGeneration vocal orchestra moves on to a medley of popular folk tunes, gospel melodies, and concludes with a stirring tribute to freedom.

The Songs That America Sings
A mini-compilation of two tracks taken from different collections. Both titles can be downloaded together for $3.99.